Sunday, February 3, 2008

Crazy past few weeks!

It has been too long since we have updated this page. I keep finding other things to do besides for sitting down and updating everyone. Not to mention, it is nothing exciting I am doing.

Thomas is doing great! He has had a fun past couple of weeks. Last weekend some of the Yukon family came to visit, including Aunt Candace, Cousin Riley and Mimi. If only we had a picture of Thomas' expression on his face when they showed up-he was ecstatic. He and Riley had way too much fun and destroyed my house. It took sometime to get it back together, but it was so worth the fun they had. Thomas loves to play w/other kids and he and Riley both did a great job of sharing and taking turns. Thomas is really into hugging right now, and pats on the back. There were a few times when Riley wasn't in the mood, but he did a great job of not hurting Thomas' feelings. We can't wait until they come back.

It is crazy what all Thomas is starting to say. He loves his Shrek stuffed animal he received for Christmas and feels it is very important to give him the same food he is eating-what a mess!

Friday was Thomas' 18 month birthday. Where has the time gone! We can't believe how old he is now. Even though he is only 18 months there are some things about him that we are sure to stay!

1-He is very opionated, he wants things his way and will for sure tell you about it if not-not sure who he got this from!
2-He is also strong willed, again will tell you all about it if he isn't happy about it, definitely from Andy. :)
3-He is very friendly, he will go to anyone who wants him, this can be a good or a bad thing-we see future sales rep or politician!
4-He is so lovable and very affectionate (my personal favorite)
5-Loves to socialize w/other kids, speaking as a teacher I am a bit worried about this one in the future

What else has been going on? Well...This was a very busy weekend for the Evans. We spent the day at the lake on Saturday. The weather was great and you don't get a lot of those days in Feb. Thomas loves to go for rides on the boat and helps out w/the steering as well as pushing all the buttons. Some are okay to push and others aren't, so it is always fun trying to keep him away. We went to a beach and anchored there so the boys could play. Yes, Eddie was w/us too. He isn't crazy about the sailboat, can't quite get his footing. Thomas literally ran himself until he dropped-of course those who know Thomas know he worked up quite an appetite first! He decided to bury himself in the sand and chased Eddie up and down hills, I don't know where he gets the energy. We finally had to call it a day when he attempted to chase a duck into the water. He loves his ducks, but I think they are a bit intimidated by him. After we got back from the beach he was starving! We are in trouble, he eats anything and everything! It was hilarious watching him, he wanted no conversation just a whole banana and two 100 calorie pack crackers, followed by yogurt! That is quite a bit even for him.

Sunday we stuck to the nautical theme (who would have thought) and went to the Dallas Boat Show. Andy had some boats that were on display at the show that were using his material for work and we wanted to check them out as well as drool at the yachts! This is Thomas 3rd boat show and he did great just as he has at the other ones. He likes to point and say "bat" his word for boat. All in all it was a good weekend. Now we are just anxiously awaiting the Super Bowl-to bad our Dallas Cowboys didn't make it, we will be cheering for the Giants to take down the Patriots!

Oh ya, for the Caroline update. We went in for an ultrasound 2 weeks ago, she looks great. She was weighing in at 3 lbs-she is probably about 4 lbs now. The ultrasound tech said the only thing she saw that looked a bit odd was how cute she was! She said you usually can't tell that this soon, I am sure she says that to all the parents to be. If she doesn't come on her own I will be induced on Fri. April 11th. We have 8 weeks to go! Our furniture should be here this week or next and then the fun begins-at least for Andy, since I am pregnant there isn't much I can do, right? No painting, no heavy lifting-I guess I can just give orders-something he would say I am great at! Just kidding.
Sorry this was so long! I will try to do a better job at keeping everyone up to date.