Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Toy Story He**

It is official....I am here! For weeks now (ever since Christmas really), Thomas has been obsessed with Toy Story (thanks mom). He has officially gone overboard with it. He constantly runs around saying "To Infinity and Beyond" He also goes through spurts where he won't answer you unless you call him Buzz, then he will do whatever you say....other times he calls Andy Buzz and wants him to talk to him using Buzz's voice!! Will it ever end? I am all about pretend play w/the kids but give me a break!! I guess on the plus side he has a great imagination. Or, as he likes to say (another Toy Story quote) "Mom, I got some bad news and I got some good news." If I could just get him to eat dinner in Infinity things would be great.....

On that note: "To Infinity and Beyond!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

This year I decided to go for a lake theme for our Easter Baskets. After two seasons for Caroline and three for Thomas on their old life jackets it was time for new ones. So, they both got new life jackets and swim suits as well as a variety of fun stuffed eggs! They were both really excited about their baskets.

We decided this year to stay in Plano. We always seem to be so busy and just needed a low key weekend! Our friends Katie, Kirk and Olivia (who is too cute)came and spent the day with us. Andy cooked steaks and we had scalloped potatoes, watergate salad and okra (at Thomas's request).

After lunch the kids decided it was time to hunt some Easter eggs. The guys went out and hid them and the kids were ready to go. Kirk told the kids that the one who got the most he would give them 2.00. It was as if Caroline understood exactly what he said because she goes and starts putting empty eggs into her basket before the hunt even begins. I think she may have a bit of her mom in her (very competitive).
Side Note: On Thursday when I went to get the kids at PC-Caroline's teachers told me she was great at hunting I just assumed they were being nice...but, she is really good!

So, back to the hunt-Thomas likes to find an egg, then eat all the fun things out of it before moving on. Caroline-likes to get as many as she is funny to see the difference in the are some pics from Easter Sunday!!

Caroline's Birthday Party

Caroline's 2nd party was a big success! We had a great time. It was a nice day spent with friends and family! Andy made fajitas for everyone (that were awesome) and the cake was great too....we had way too much food and lots of leftovers! Caroine got some great gifts and we are truly blessed to have a great family and friends!

Caroline was really excited about the party and kept going around saying birthday to you (singing). Thomas did a great job of being the big brother and was super nice to her all day long!