Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Toy Story He**

It is official....I am here! For weeks now (ever since Christmas really), Thomas has been obsessed with Toy Story (thanks mom). He has officially gone overboard with it. He constantly runs around saying "To Infinity and Beyond" He also goes through spurts where he won't answer you unless you call him Buzz, then he will do whatever you say....other times he calls Andy Buzz and wants him to talk to him using Buzz's voice!! Will it ever end? I am all about pretend play w/the kids but give me a break!! I guess on the plus side he has a great imagination. Or, as he likes to say (another Toy Story quote) "Mom, I got some bad news and I got some good news." If I could just get him to eat dinner in Infinity things would be great.....

On that note: "To Infinity and Beyond!"

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