Sunday, May 2, 2010


I never really fully prepared myself for what Thomas would be like. I always knew Andy was extremely witty, but I never anticipated Thomas being like that-and so soon! You know just never know what will come out of his mouth....

We go to dinner this past week and on our way home we pass a field full of lamas. I say Thomas look at those lamas-he says, "I can't go near them." So, of course I say why? Well, "They will bite the hair right off my head like Ricky!" (Ricky being Andy's dad). It was too funny!

Thomas has also taken to calling me Jennifer-all the time! I finally asked him last week, "Thomas why do you call me Jennifer?" His response: "Well, Andy calls you Jennifer!" Pretty logical-huh?

Thomas and Caroline spent the weekend in Tulsa this past weekend and had a great time-with Ricky/Bobin! Andy and I had a Surprise birthday party to go to so it was nice for all of us to get some time away.

We got the kids back this afternoon-I was so anxious to see them and snuggle-but they were both wiped out! Thomas took a 4 hour nap-anyone who knows Thomas knows he doesn't sleep and Caroline was snoozing away as well...always a good time at Ricky/Bobin's! Not quite sure what happened, but I know they had a good time...Thank you guys:)

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