Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day

This is a little late, but better late than never! I spent my Mother's Day weekend in Austin at the State History Fair w/some of my students! This was Andy's first weekend alone with the kids. A little delayed I keep hearing from all of my friends, but Andy is great w/helping w/the kids all the time-and would have done it sooner had the time come! Anywho, I got home late Sat. night and went straight to bed!

I was woken up at 7:00 by the best sound ever..."Momma it is time to wake up, I have missed you soooo much!" I wake up to Thomas right over me! Needless to say I don't know who was happier to see each other, the kids or myself!

I was invited on the Thursday before to have tea/cookies in Caroline's room. It was so nice! She had made me some fun keepsakes that I will always cherish!

I didn't receive my homemade gifts from Thomas until Sunday morning. Along with a picture frame of him and a few other things was his survey of me:

1. What is your mom's name: Jennifer

2. How old is she? 2

3. What does she do? Play

4. What is her favorite food? Green Eggs & Ham

5. When do you like her best? When she pats me to sleep (who are we kidding-this is Andy's job)

6. Where does she take you? Disney World

7. What is her favorite movie? Toy Story 2

8. Do you have a message for her? Toy Story 3

I have laughed and laughed over all of these answers. Not quite sure if he was trying to be funny, but as usual he was!

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