Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hope this finds everyone doing well. We have had a busy last couples of weeks. Last weekend, Thomas was a big boy and went and spent the weekend in Tulsa. He says he had a really good time. He loves the stairs at Gran Robin & Ricky's house and enjoyed some time at the park as well. It was really hard for me to let him go. I know he needs to be away, but get so used to him being around. He hadn't been on an overnight stay w/out us since Oct. so we know it was long overdue, and we all survived!

Thomas has decided these past couple of weeks that he is too big for his highchair. We are working really hard on breaking this quickly. We still enjoy eating out from time to time and need him to be in a chair so that he doesn't escape. On a good note, it is amazing all that he is saying now a days! You can tell he is really starting to repeat what you are saying (so some of us have to be careful)! He is also really gotten into to giving hugs and really likes to pat your back as he is hugging you. He is are little sweet man.

The picture we have of him this week is him playing in my car. It has become one of his favorite places. Eddie was fighting w/a squirrel (one of his favorite things to do) and Thomas was watching intently to see what would happen next! Unfortunately, it is the story of Eddie's life, he has a big bark, but not so big bite. The squirrel got away.

We go to the doctor on Friday to do another ultrasound for Caroline and we will know more about how much she is weighing in at (I am pretty sure we are having twins at the moment) and how accurate our due date will be! We have ordered our furniture and are now debating on which bedding to go with. Who knew this would be so difficult. Check in next week for a new update.
Jennifer, Andy and Thomas


khowze said...

Hey, Thomas is so cute! Glad you made it through the weekend without him. I am the same way, I want (need) a break from the girls, but miss them so bad when they are away. It's always nice to get them back!

Andy Evans said...

I need a barf bag every time I read these....

just kidding Fer.