Saturday, April 26, 2008

Almost 4 weeks and counting....

Well, we have all almost made it through our 1st month w/Caroline at our house! Things have been going really well this past couple of weeks. Caroline is doing really well. She likes to sleep A LOT, unfortunately, it is just during the day. We are hoping she gets her schedule figured out pretty quickly. She has really been looking around a lot and definitely knows Dad's voice and Big Brother Thomas' (of course he is usually running through the house yelling so she doesn't have much choice w/that one).

Last weekend was pretty busy. Mimi came down on Friday to spend the day/night w/the kids. Saturday Thomas had a birthday party to go to at McDonald's for Stephen-one of his daycare friends. Then all of Dad's immediate family came to spend the night. The kids had a really fun weekend.

Thomas loved the birthday party! I took him and Andy stayed home w/Caroline. We didn't want to expose her to any unnecessary germs. She is still pretty fragile these days. He really enjoyed playing w/all the kids. While at the party I stared looking around for Thomas in the playroom where we were all located. I couldn't find him and then a mom from the table over came up and asked if Thomas belonged to any of us. He had decided it was time to eat and was trying to eat their food. Anyone who knows Thomas shouldn't be surprised by this story! The boy loves to eat! He thinks it is a great source of entertainment. So, I am not sure what he enjoyed more, the cake and ice cream or the socialization. Any ways, it was a lot of fun all around.

Uncle Bob and Aunt Andee got to meet Caroline for the 1st time. Andee really enjoyed getting to hold Caroline, Bob seemed happy to look at her from a distance. She is a pretty small baby so he may have been afraid that he would have hurt her!

This week was pretty uneventful. I had my 1st overnight alone w/the kids. Thankfully Thomas slept through the night! YEA! Caroline did really good as well.

This afternoon we took the kids to the South Lake Arts Festival. It was a lot of fun. Thomas did great in the stroller of course and Caroline had her first trip in the Baby Bjorn. She slept through the whole event. Thomas got to have some nachos, which I got to share w/him. Should have gotten two, he devoured the nachos and then started in on Andy's piece of pizza. While at the table while we were eating Andy was the errand boy. Every time we would need napkins or a drink he would run and get it. Thomas was paranoid Andy was leaving for good so he would just start screaming Dad as loud and as pitiful as he could. It definitely got a lot of people's attention. He was always so relieved to see Andy return....guess the traveling is getting to him.

Well, tune in for more updates soon. These are some pics of the past couple of days.....

1 comment:

Wright Family said...