Monday, March 1, 2010

Evans Update

Well, the past two two years have just flown by and I find myself needing to keep up with this blog! I could kick myself for letting it go this far. I have been realizing these last few months that the kids are pretty funny and are doing some pretty funny things so I am making it a point to start putting it all down-if not on paper then here on our blog!
Thomas started soccer this past week! He did about as we expected....he was into it the 1st half, after that just wanted to move on to the next big thing-which is lunch to Thomas! Technically we don't keep score with 3yrs. olds, but well-just to brag a bit-they did beat the other team 4 to 1. Anyone who saw the other team warming up, would have been shocked to see the final score-they were lets just say-a bit more prepared than we were! But, we have Victoria, and they don't! So go Chipmunks!

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