Friday, March 5, 2010

The Negotiator

Well....we had another soccer practice last night. It seems that each week one of the players is completely uninterested-this week it was Thomas' position. He initially got mad at me because I wouldn't give him a 100 calorie pack at the beginning of went down hill from there, he wanted nothing to do w/anything involving a soccer ball! Oh well....

So, this morning I asked him if he wanted to go to his friend's Ryan's bday party on Saturday. Anyone who knows Thomas knows he loves to party...he immediately got very excited. I said, well, I will take you, but you have to go play in your soccer game 1st. He took one look at me, paused and said (w/his finger on his chin contemplating) Um, I'll sleep in my own bed instead and can go to Ryan's birthday party.

As everyone knows Thomas is the worst sleeper known to man so we are always trying to bribe him with things to get him to sleep in his own bed. So, Andy said-this is when our negotiations are backfiring!!

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