Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Caroline's 2nd Birthday Pics

Well, aside from her scratch she has on her upper nose I think they turned out great!

Caroline is very excited about her upcoming birthday party. When you ask her how old she is going to be she can clearly say 2, but then proceeds to hold up all 5 fingers, she can't quite get it down to put only 2 fingers up-oh well, she is on her way!!

We told Thomas last night at bedtime that he needed to figure out what he wanted to get Caroline for her birthday-imagine this, he wanted to give her a movie! He then proceeds to tell us he wants to get her Toy Story 3-total boy and not even out yet! We told him to sleep on it...when asked tonight what he wants to get her he said a movie....I said, okay, what kind? He said Cinderella! Loved it....he put some thought into it and came back w/a great gift!! So, that will be C's first gift-Cinderella.....

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