Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sometimes these boys really can be sweet!

It seems lately Caroline and Thomas have this love hate relationship.....one minute they are literally trying to beat the crud out of each other, the next they are snuggling and cuddling-w/no indication which direction it will go and when!

Caroline's big 2 year pics are coming up this weekend so I decided to hit Baby Gap this evening and see what I could find. I of course found a dress that was just perfect. Got home and asked Caroline if she wanted to try it on(she of course did, she is so dang prissy). She puts it on and immediately starts prancing and dancing around the living room holding up the petticoat. Thomas walks in and says, "Caroline, you look like a princess." I think it even got to Andy this time! It was so sweet. He then went over and grabbed both of her hands and started dancing with her....she was as the saying goes-giddy as a school girl! If only they could always be this sweet!

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