Friday, March 5, 2010

Potty Training

Our little Caroline has been working so hard on potty training! She decided several months ago that since Thomas was doing it, why couldn't she? Story of her life! So, we hesitantly went with it! She has been doing great....everyone at Parker Chase seems to be so proud of her! We were told this week that she is starting to get the other kids going and their parents are very thankful for it. The past two weeks she has been going all day long there with very few accidents! Today, we are proud to say that she even went #2 at school. She has done that for Andy and I a few times, but never at school....our little girl is growing up!

It is so crazy to think back on how fast this year has gone seems like it was just yesterday we moved into our "new house" and celebrating Caroline's 1st bday-now we are getting ready for her 2nd, where does the time go? Maybe time for a 3rd-Just kidding!

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