Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break

Well, we are finally back in the swing of things after a week off of school! We had a great spring break as I feel this was the first one the kids enjoyed as students looking forward to Spring Break. We started out the first part of the break by going to OKC to Memow's Surprise 80th bday...she was so surprised and we were glad we got to be a part of the special day. We then continued the weekend in Tulsa visiting Ricky and Bobbin. It is always a fun adventure as the kids truly get worn out....
Monday-Wed. were spent hanging out in Plano and just playing around the house and going to the park. oh yea, we did get to go to Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday to celebrate my birthday. The kids were great and we had a nice dinner! It was a great birthday spent with kids!
Thursday the real fun began for the kids! I took the kids to meet Ricky and Bobbin in Atoka to spend the weekend playing in Tulsa. Well, I was suppose to meet them in Atoka. Right before I got to the Oklahoma border we hit a major road block. There was a huge wreck that shut down 75 for close to an hour and a half! It was crazy. The kids were great. Thomas kept asking, what is going on? In his very dramatic voice.
We eventually got there, and they went on their way and I went back to spend a few days cleaning and doing some things that can't be done when the kids are with me. I missed them like crazy, but knew they were having a good time!

The kids went on their first Nature Hike and had a Wienie roast as well as ending their big day with a boat way-it is the Evans' way after all!

Some funny quotes from Thomas this week were:

When he likes something he will say "Good Deal Cowboy." Of course Caroline is behind him w/her pistols firing saying, "Go Cowboys!"
He is also really into shaking hands and introducing himself w/his full name as well as telling people Carolin'e full name. It may be time for some stranger danger discusssions.

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