Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Outings

We have officially been on summer break for 2 1/2 weeks. During that time only one day has been spent at the house lounging. We have decided to make the most of this summer!

I have taken the kids to see 2 movies. Shrek the 3rd & Toy Story 3. Thomas loves movies and has been into them since he was a baby. Caroline on the other hand isn't. She can't set still and would rather do anything else that watch a movie. So when we tried out Shrek I was a bit apprehensive because it was just me. But, we made it through beautifully. Thomas sat on the edge of the seat the whole time-he was so into it he barely ate his popcorn-not like him! Caroline did as good as could be expected-and LOVED the popcorn. She definitely ate her share as well as Thomas's and most of mine too.....

Andy was sad he missed the experience so was excited when we went to see Toy Story. Anyone who knows Thomas knows he has been waiting for this day for months....he loves Buzz and Woody and is convinced his name is "Thomas Buzz Light Year Evans." So we went this past Saturday the day after it opened up. Andy was of course giving me a hard time about getting their early. I am glad I put his heckling aside and stood my ground-we got the last 4 seats together at the very last row of the theatre! It was packed. Andy and I were a bit disappointed it. We thought it was pretty sad and a bit dark for kids, but neither one of them seemed to notice and loved it!

When we were walking out you should have seen the like for the 12:00 show and we overheard someone on their phone saying all the others were sold out for the afternoon times....even more glad we went early!

Caroline has been taking swimming lessons and like last year-they aren't starting off so well. I went ahead and went with a group lesson this year-I am wishing I would have stayed with private, but of course my money is nonrefundable so I have 7 left and am hoping she comes around. She ended up coming around last year so I think she will this year, we will just wait and see.

Thomas is still going to Parker Chase 2 days a week...he loves seeing his friends and I felt it was important to maintain the relationships he has built with his friends and didn't come back from summer the odd man out. As usual each week is a different theme and he is still loving it as always-I am lucky to spend some on on one time w/Caroline during that time!

I will updated pics soon of our trip to Port Aransas. Andy is in St. Louis this week and pics are on his laptop!

I will try to be more diligent about updating this!

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