Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Motherly Caroline

All of our friends are always saying how well behaved and mild mannered she is. I am not sure that is in reference to the fact that she is nearly perfect or if they are referring to how calm she is compared to Thomas!

Caroline is by far the best mom to her dozen babies that I have ever seen. She loves to play with them and will get completely lost in them. But, we have a little problem. All of our babies live in a nudist colony! We had some friends over for dinner Sat. night and the 8 year old son finally asked "What is up w/the no clothes?" I tell people who give her dolls not to be offended, but the clothes are long gone as soon as we get the dolls! I try to keep them in a bin, but we have no idea what outfit goes on what doll. Caroline just likes to take the clothes off and feed/wipe and change the babies. She also loves to put them to bed and remind our company that they need to be quiet because her babies are sleeping. 25+ years from now (yes I am keeping my fingers crossed it will be that long) she will make an excellent mother.

Andy has been out of town this week and we were playing w/her dolls last night. She came to me and said one of her babies bit her (on the boob). I tried to explain to her that this was part of being a mom. She didn't like it and made her baby go to her room and shut the door. Of course she kept going back in every 30 seconds to discuss the situation. Funny thing was, every time the baby came out-the same thing kept happening. She finally came to me wanting me to give the baby a spanking. I tried to explain to her you really can't punish a baby for that...oh well-she will learn in time!

Should I be worried?

Being that Caroline is as girly as it comes she has a lot of dress up clothes. Unfortunately, it isn't Caroline that takes advantage of it as much as someone else we know (Thomas). Here are some pics of our favorite guy in some that I am sure he will want destroyed at a later date!

Last Friday night he came to me and he had two of his plastic bowls from his kitchen in place where a bra should be as well as all of his additional dress up clothes!

Caroline just laughs and laughs when she sees Thomas doing this which of course continues to egg him on! She keeps saying more, more with her sign language and voice...while rolling over laughing it is too funny to see each of them in their own little world.

Mother's Day

This is a little late, but better late than never! I spent my Mother's Day weekend in Austin at the State History Fair w/some of my students! This was Andy's first weekend alone with the kids. A little delayed I keep hearing from all of my friends, but Andy is great w/helping w/the kids all the time-and would have done it sooner had the time come! Anywho, I got home late Sat. night and went straight to bed!

I was woken up at 7:00 by the best sound ever..."Momma it is time to wake up, I have missed you soooo much!" I wake up to Thomas right over me! Needless to say I don't know who was happier to see each other, the kids or myself!

I was invited on the Thursday before to have tea/cookies in Caroline's room. It was so nice! She had made me some fun keepsakes that I will always cherish!

I didn't receive my homemade gifts from Thomas until Sunday morning. Along with a picture frame of him and a few other things was his survey of me:

1. What is your mom's name: Jennifer

2. How old is she? 2

3. What does she do? Play

4. What is her favorite food? Green Eggs & Ham

5. When do you like her best? When she pats me to sleep (who are we kidding-this is Andy's job)

6. Where does she take you? Disney World

7. What is her favorite movie? Toy Story 2

8. Do you have a message for her? Toy Story 3

I have laughed and laughed over all of these answers. Not quite sure if he was trying to be funny, but as usual he was!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I never really fully prepared myself for what Thomas would be like. I always knew Andy was extremely witty, but I never anticipated Thomas being like that-and so soon! You know just never know what will come out of his mouth....

We go to dinner this past week and on our way home we pass a field full of lamas. I say Thomas look at those lamas-he says, "I can't go near them." So, of course I say why? Well, "They will bite the hair right off my head like Ricky!" (Ricky being Andy's dad). It was too funny!

Thomas has also taken to calling me Jennifer-all the time! I finally asked him last week, "Thomas why do you call me Jennifer?" His response: "Well, Andy calls you Jennifer!" Pretty logical-huh?

Thomas and Caroline spent the weekend in Tulsa this past weekend and had a great time-with Ricky/Bobin! Andy and I had a Surprise birthday party to go to so it was nice for all of us to get some time away.

We got the kids back this afternoon-I was so anxious to see them and snuggle-but they were both wiped out! Thomas took a 4 hour nap-anyone who knows Thomas knows he doesn't sleep and Caroline was snoozing away as well...always a good time at Ricky/Bobin's! Not quite sure what happened, but I know they had a good time...Thank you guys:)