Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Caroline's 2nd Birthday Pics

Well, aside from her scratch she has on her upper nose I think they turned out great!

Caroline is very excited about her upcoming birthday party. When you ask her how old she is going to be she can clearly say 2, but then proceeds to hold up all 5 fingers, she can't quite get it down to put only 2 fingers up-oh well, she is on her way!!

We told Thomas last night at bedtime that he needed to figure out what he wanted to get Caroline for her birthday-imagine this, he wanted to give her a movie! He then proceeds to tell us he wants to get her Toy Story 3-total boy and not even out yet! We told him to sleep on it...when asked tonight what he wants to get her he said a movie....I said, okay, what kind? He said Cinderella! Loved it....he put some thought into it and came back w/a great gift!! So, that will be C's first gift-Cinderella.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break

Well, we are finally back in the swing of things after a week off of school! We had a great spring break as I feel this was the first one the kids enjoyed as students looking forward to Spring Break. We started out the first part of the break by going to OKC to Memow's Surprise 80th bday...she was so surprised and we were glad we got to be a part of the special day. We then continued the weekend in Tulsa visiting Ricky and Bobbin. It is always a fun adventure as the kids truly get worn out....
Monday-Wed. were spent hanging out in Plano and just playing around the house and going to the park. oh yea, we did get to go to Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday to celebrate my birthday. The kids were great and we had a nice dinner! It was a great birthday spent with kids!
Thursday the real fun began for the kids! I took the kids to meet Ricky and Bobbin in Atoka to spend the weekend playing in Tulsa. Well, I was suppose to meet them in Atoka. Right before I got to the Oklahoma border we hit a major road block. There was a huge wreck that shut down 75 for close to an hour and a half! It was crazy. The kids were great. Thomas kept asking, what is going on? In his very dramatic voice.
We eventually got there, and they went on their way and I went back to spend a few days cleaning and doing some things that can't be done when the kids are with me. I missed them like crazy, but knew they were having a good time!

The kids went on their first Nature Hike and had a Wienie roast as well as ending their big day with a boat way-it is the Evans' way after all!

Some funny quotes from Thomas this week were:

When he likes something he will say "Good Deal Cowboy." Of course Caroline is behind him w/her pistols firing saying, "Go Cowboys!"
He is also really into shaking hands and introducing himself w/his full name as well as telling people Carolin'e full name. It may be time for some stranger danger discusssions.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our Busy Weekend!

I always here my friends who have older kids talking about how crazy their life gets when the kids get older! We had our "first experience" with this last weekend! We began the weekend w/Thomas playing his 2nd soccer game. Unfortunately, it was disappointing for Andy and myself. The game was at 1-right in the middle of nap time....needless to say he was as uninterested as he could get! He wanted nothing to do with it and refused to go and play. We weren't too thrilled and left wondering what was going on. He of course immediately fell asleep in the car and then proceeded to go to sleep at home as well. He woke up and decided he was over the not playing soccer and wanted to try it again the next day-who knows!

That late afternoon we had a birthday party for Ryan, Thomas' friend at school. It was at MyLittleGym and was soooo much fun! We had a blast! Thomas loves seeing his friends and I enjoyed visiting with the other parents who were there!

If Thomas' schedule wasn't enough it is always nice to throw in Caroline into the mix....we went to the Gaylord Sunday morning to have her 2 year pics taken. She is such a great model! She did a great job! She loves to pose and we can't wait to see how they turn out! The location was great-as pretty as the Arboretum, but inside so we were protected by the rain and cold temps.

Sunday evening we had our friends Katie and Kirk over w/their oh so cute Olivia! The kids loved seeing Olivia! She is growing up so much and is talking all the time! She enjoyed watching our kids running around like crazy! But, the real treat is always when Kirk comes to play...the kids just can't get enough of him and finally after 3 months of Thomas being in his big bed and waking up during the night....he makes it until 6:30 the next morning!!

Too bad it only lasted one night! Hopefully he will eventually get it figured out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Potty Training

Our little Caroline has been working so hard on potty training! She decided several months ago that since Thomas was doing it, why couldn't she? Story of her life! So, we hesitantly went with it! She has been doing great....everyone at Parker Chase seems to be so proud of her! We were told this week that she is starting to get the other kids going and their parents are very thankful for it. The past two weeks she has been going all day long there with very few accidents! Today, we are proud to say that she even went #2 at school. She has done that for Andy and I a few times, but never at school....our little girl is growing up!

It is so crazy to think back on how fast this year has gone by....it seems like it was just yesterday we moved into our "new house" and celebrating Caroline's 1st bday-now we are getting ready for her 2nd, where does the time go? Maybe time for a 3rd-Just kidding!

The Negotiator

Well....we had another soccer practice last night. It seems that each week one of the players is completely uninterested-this week it was Thomas' position. He initially got mad at me because I wouldn't give him a 100 calorie pack at the beginning of practice....it went down hill from there, he wanted nothing to do w/anything involving a soccer ball! Oh well....

So, this morning I asked him if he wanted to go to his friend's Ryan's bday party on Saturday. Anyone who knows Thomas knows he loves to party...he immediately got very excited. I said, well, I will take you, but you have to go play in your soccer game 1st. He took one look at me, paused and said (w/his finger on his chin contemplating) Um, I'll sleep in my own bed instead and can go to Ryan's birthday party.

As everyone knows Thomas is the worst sleeper known to man so we are always trying to bribe him with things to get him to sleep in his own bed. So, Andy said-this is when our negotiations are backfiring!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sometimes these boys really can be sweet!

It seems lately Caroline and Thomas have this love hate relationship.....one minute they are literally trying to beat the crud out of each other, the next they are snuggling and cuddling-w/no indication which direction it will go and when!

Caroline's big 2 year pics are coming up this weekend so I decided to hit Baby Gap this evening and see what I could find. I of course found a dress that was just perfect. Got home and asked Caroline if she wanted to try it on(she of course did, she is so dang prissy). She puts it on and immediately starts prancing and dancing around the living room holding up the petticoat. Thomas walks in and says, "Caroline, you look like a princess." I think it even got to Andy this time! It was so sweet. He then went over and grabbed both of her hands and started dancing with her....she was as the saying goes-giddy as a school girl! If only they could always be this sweet!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Evans Update

Well, the past two two years have just flown by and I find myself needing to keep up with this blog! I could kick myself for letting it go this far. I have been realizing these last few months that the kids are pretty funny and are doing some pretty funny things so I am making it a point to start putting it all down-if not on paper then here on our blog!
Thomas started soccer this past week! He did about as we expected....he was into it the 1st half, after that just wanted to move on to the next big thing-which is lunch to Thomas! Technically we don't keep score with 3yrs. olds, but well-just to brag a bit-they did beat the other team 4 to 1. Anyone who saw the other team warming up, would have been shocked to see the final score-they were lets just say-a bit more prepared than we were! But, we have Victoria, and they don't! So go Chipmunks!